Since 2017
How It Works:
The idea is to engage all new and/or inexperienced workers (Green Hands) in safety-related conversations with experienced workers (Gold Hands), who have proven knowledge and experience with the Bellai Alliance’s Safety Program. The more awareness and interactions about Workplace Health and Safety, the greater the odds of avoiding accidents/incidents and injuries while creating a culture of safety on the job site.
New or inexperienced workers are given Green Hand Stickers to wear on their hard hats, making them immediately recognizable as possibly in need of extra assistance and/or guidance to work safely on the site.
Experienced workers, who agree to participate, are given Gold Hand Stickers to wear on their hard hats, making them immediately recognizable as individuals to whom Green Hands can turn to for assistance and/or guidance.
*NOTE: The Gold Hand is a voluntary title and should not be assigned to a worker who isn’t comfortable in a mentorship role.
The GREEN Hand means:
I am new to my job or this job site
I am not familiar with Bellai Alliance’s Safety Policies and Procedures
I may have many questions about Safety
I may need your help at some point, so please introduce yourself, offer advice and be patient with me as I learn
The GOLD Hand means:
I am an experienced construction worker
I am very familiar with Bellai Alliance’s Safety Policies and Procedures
I have agreed to be a Safety Mentor. If you have any questions ask me, I will be happy to answer them
I value Safety and will approach you to offer my assistance if I see you doing something that may be deemed unsafe